1) User registration - free of charge;
2) Maintaining a User account on the Website - free of charge;
3) Granting support to the crowdfunding project by the User - at no charge by the User to the Service Provider (the owner of the Website);
4) Notification of participation by the user in the competition - no fees charged from the User by the Service Provider;
5) The fees charged by the Service Provider within Scienceship.com apply to only those Users who at the same time are also Organisers of a Project or Competition to the extent indicated below:
a) The Service Provider receives 6% * of the value of each amount of support received by the Organiser of the crowdfunding Project. The Service Provider charges the percentage indicated above only when the Organiser receives the support / earns an amount. The fee is automatically distributed by PayPal between the Organiser and the Service Provider. The amount transferred to the Organiser's account is reduced by the PayPal's commission (see below). The Service Provider prepares an invoice (in electronic format) for the Organiser stating the above mentioned fee rate.
b) The Service Provider charges a fee from the Organiser for the launch of an individual competition.
The Competition is launched after it has been approved by the Service Provider (which is a prerequisite for generating invoices) and then the payment indicated in invoice is required by Organiser. The above-mentioned Fees can be changed in the future.
The above Fees are fixed for the Organisers who use ready-made templates of Competition Terms published by the Service Provider on the Website. The use of one’s own terms by the Competition's Organiser requires prior approval of the Service Provider and a verification fee agreed with the Service Provider (please contact us for more details).
6) The Service Provider charges fees for advertising or additional services, including, in particular for entities which enjoy the title of Patron or Partner of the Scienceship.com Website (please contact us for more details)
7) The Service Provider can also be the Organiser of a crowdfunding Project in scope of e.g. development of the Website or the launch of its new features, or the promotion of Projects and Competitions.
*Please note that additional costs incurred by Project Organisers are related to handling transactions and constitute PayPal's commissions, as well as are related to the preparation and delivery of prizes as consideration.
PayPal's commission
Please find more information concerning PayPal's commissions at PayPal's website (https://www.paypal.com/pl/webapps/mpp/ua/useragreement-full?locale.x=pl_PL#16)
Payment security
Each User can only use one PayPal account assigned to the profile established for ScienceShip.com